Sunday, August 14, 2011

Make Easy Fast Huge Dollar with BidTraffic (Guide)

Hello, this is my BidTraffic guide for publishers who want to monetize their websites (Note that with BidTraffic you don't need to own website to make money online $1.00-5.00/click accepted).Wow... is it A HUGE enough???

Goal of this tutorial is to provide you with some usefull beginner information about this awesome adsense alternative and ability to contact me through my e-mail to gain a lot more usefull informations than anyone else.

You might already know how registration process work there, but if not - get ready for little wait form (up to 24 hours).
When you register account at BidTraffic your feed version is set to 'normal'. You have to make it VIP+, don't worry, it's really simple:

1. Firstly register your account using this fastest link :

2. When registration is completed , make ticket where you write to them that you just started and need VIP+ to monetize your traffic. You will get accepted within day. Before that I suggest you to get familiar with control panel at publishers page. TOP1000 Keywords are good way to start looking for one that fits your niche.

3. After getting accepted you are ready to use 'Toolbox'.

You might have read in some other guide that BidTraffic does not allow their Ads to be put at free domains/hostings like blogspot or wordpress platform. This is simply not true, and people writting that have no idea how it works.

If you need any specific help with putting your Ads up, feel free to read Contact Us.
Come to see the Example of BidTraffic Vip+ Here

Like I wrote at beginning, you don't need to own website to make money online with this PPC program. You can use BidTraffic without it; head to Toolbox and check out Public feeds and Thematic TDS

These are generated pages where your ads are placed. Your work here is to spread them around. BidTraffic allows you to choose almost anything. Starting from domain name; finishing with keyword you want to choose.

It looks really proffesional and when someone click on the search results, you will get your share. The prices for click at BidTraffic PCP are really diffrent, and you can get even 5$/one depending on the keyword. As you may already know clicks from USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and Europe are worth more than from not english speaking countries.


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